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IRCAD India Concludes Hands-On Training in Laparoscopic Skills for OBSGYN Surgical Postgraduates

Indore, India – IRCAD India successfully hosted a two-day Hands-On Training in Laparoscopic Skills for OBSGYN Surgical Postgraduates, showcasing a blend of live surgeries, immersive hands-on sessions, and knowledge exchange. The event began with a traditional deep prajwalan ceremony, led by Dr. Mohit Bhandari and Dr. Shilpa Bhandari, marking the commencement of this transformative program.<br>

Participants had the opportunity to witness live surgical demonstrations performed by Dr. Shilpa Bhandari, streamed directly from Mohak operation rooms to IRCAD India’s state-of-the-art digital lecture theatre. They further honed their skills in the wet lab, engaging in hands-on sessions guided by experienced faculty. <br>

The program concluded with a certificate distribution ceremony, where Dr. Mohit Bhandari and Dr. Shilpa Bhandari honoured participants, faculty, and the IRCAD India team for their dedication and excellence. <br>

This event reinforced IRCAD India’s position as a hub for advanced surgical training, blending cutting-edge technology with a commitment to nurturing the next generation of surgeons.